Monday, February 5, 2007

OK, I did it...

OK, I did it...I've created an online blog at If my five-year-old son, Michael, can fly around the computer playing his pre-K games, then Daddy (pictured here with Michael during this past summer- 2006) has no excuse not to be on top of the world's new fangled communications conduits.

It is clear to me that movement into other Internet venues (such as, youtube, are the wave and I guess I've now caught the wave. If presidential hopefuls, such as the very impressive and diplomatically gifted New Mexico Governor (and former U.S. Congressman and Energy Secretary) Bill Richardson, can have a presence on all of these powerhouse websites, I reckon I should too.

With this blog on, now I am truly in the Internet communications swing of things. I have long strived to be an artful communicator. Now, in the 21st Century, it seems to be that media beyond that the traditional mold are an integral part of the communications process. My forays onto the Internet can't, and won't be limited to my website ( or my page. This is the first leap into the Blogosphere.

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